Serving Those Who Served

The Colonel’s Kitchen® was established as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to empower wounded warriors, service-disabled Veterans and First Responders, and their families through a program centered around culinary arts and food business.

These Patriots will learn culinary arts techniques through hands-on practice in a kitchen setting. Upon completion, they will have basic culinary arts training, job skills for a variety of civilian job markets, and a sense of belonging and community that will combat the pervasive sense of isolation and hopelessness experienced among many disabled Veterans and First Responders.

How We began

Chef Nick is a disabled combat Veteran with over 35 years of military service.  While recovering from a series of injuries he incorporated baking and cooking into his rehabilitation. This contributed to a significant improvement in his motor functions and cognitive skills which inspired him to assist other wounded warriors.

After installing a pizza oven in his backyard, his vision took shape. He invited fellow warriors to his home to make pizzas. The pleasure everyone took in making their own pizza, and the spontaneous camaraderie ubiquitous in the military, engendered an authentic connection. Thus, the recipe for The Colonel’s Kitchen® – Culinary Arts, Reinvention, and Mentorship was born.

Chef Nick in a black chef's jacket and his service dog Bella sitting in his lap.